Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Member since ‎07-17-2015

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  • 42 Posts
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Hi   I am using couple of DNAC REST APIs to see if I can possibly retrieve SNMP attributes of devices managed by DNAC. But these don't seem to return these attributes, I am interested in sysObjectId, sysName, etc. Any pointers?   The 2 APIs are: http...
I am trying to execute command runner api request on sandbox environment (sandboxdnac.cisco.com), but it fails with below error - {"message": "Role does not have valid permissions to access the API"} It doesn't have valid permissions, but any other w...
HiI was wondering if I can execute device sync-from request using JSON-RPC. I tried searching in NSO web-ui guide, but couldn't locate anything in there. In general, is there a way to create JSON-RPC equivalent request for operations that can be done...
I am trying to use below syntax to execute multiple show commands on the device using NSO API. But it doesn't seem to work, though it works for one command."args" should ideally accept a list of show commands, but it doesn't work, any clues on how to...
HiI have generated <config-template> XML for certain CLI commands using ntool. Then I tried searching for northbound API docs and some examples in NSO dir, but couldn't locate any API to execute this XML on NSO. Does anyone have the API handy and can...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-17-2015 04:58 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-28-2024 01:05 AM
Posts 42
Total Helpful Votes Received 39
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