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Member since ‎03-16-2015

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I was going to include this in my other discussions but decided against it as I have marked them as answered and wanted to avoid any confusion.In short, I wanted to know step by step (command-wise) how to NAT router on a stick for a small business (w...
Ok, I posted a similar topic just a couple of days ago and while I got some help, I'm not getting the actual detail I need in full.What I'm looking to do is hook up a router on a stick for a small business (with internet access so I know NAT will nee...
Hey guys and gals - I just wanted to ask (as I literally cannot find the answer to this question anywhere online) what are the names of the cables and ports used to hook up the following (simple) small office network setup that would include a T1 con...
Ok, ridiculously broad question I know but....what I'm trying to figure out is, let's say I'm in a large coproration and I have multiple field sites in different areas of the country so the network setup may be somewhat complex but when it comes to s...
So in regards to network statements – I found the following tutorial on a blog but had a question on a part I just can’t wrap my ahead around – first I will post the section I do not understand then I will post the tutorial. For the broken pic links ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-16-2015 02:12 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 20
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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