You are correct, my mistake. L2 routers can be in a contiguous area all having adjacencies and all being L2. I'll poke around a bit in your previous posts to see if I can spot the issue. Regards,Don
Within your network discovery setup on CWSI can you not specify a ping spray as well as a discovery method? CDP is one way of doing discovery but the ping option (given a network range) should do the trick. Also within newer Cisco works discovery (do...
L2 routers should only form adjacencies with routers in different areas. In the same area (NET)L1's should be formed. Every isis interface is default L1/L2 so depending on your configuration you could potentially have both on a single interface. A "s...
Question for you. How can you have an L2 adjacency if all your routers are in the same area?All of your routers in your example are in a single area "39.840f.8000.0000.0000.0000.0011". In this case no L2 adjacencies should be created. Only L1's. You ...
Tony, Looking at some internal cases on the 417's, since there seems to be no docs on Passwd recovery I found that there is no passwd recovery for the 417's. In all cases where customers lost passwds a replacement 417 was needed to be RMA'd from ...