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Member since ‎09-04-2002

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I am routing across eth0/0 and eht0/1 to machines on the opposite networks. my network uses as the internet gateway and this works fine. My problem is that my network cannot get out on the internet. what must i do for the 1...
My company has a cisco 2621 router with one s0 and 2 Fast Ethernet ports. here is the scenario, one side of the network is with subnet mask at running an NT 4.0 server /with dhcp running and use 2 24 port hubs. On the other sid...
My company has a cisco 2621 router with one s0 and 2 Fast Ethernet ports. here is the scenario, one side of the network is with subnet mask at running an NT 4.0 server /with dhcp running and use 2 24 port hubs. On the other s...
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Member Since ‎09-04-2002 11:29 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 6