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Member since ‎10-20-2002

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Hi Expert's,Can you help me understand/find the right documentation about the SPAN capability's on the OSM card? Is it true that after installation of this card, the 6500 cant makes SPAN? Are there any workarounds for that?TIA.
Hiif i have peer router with aggregate summary-only commands (the Origin code is incomp.) and the origin code for specific route is EBGPdoes it change the global aggregate route origin from ? to e and advertise it to the upstream router?Roi
May be someone can helpme find more about GRE keepalive.i have linux that can work with GRE tunnel. this days i need this linuxto support GRE keepavlive. i cant find any RFC or Cisco document thathave details about the keepalive packet/header format,...
Hi All,I have case where on inbound interface I have to decide based on the source,Which path the packet willl takes.Which technique is less CPU intensive, PBR or VRF selection?Both will configure with very basic statements.Roi
Hi All,Look at this scenario:networkB -------->R1 -------->R2 ----->internet (normal flow)networkA --------> \--------> R3 ----->internetR1 is connected to R2 and R3.Networks A and B are connected to R1 and have route to R2 and then Internet.(nor...
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Member Since ‎10-20-2002 07:39 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 12