Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎10-16-2013

User Statistics

  • 10 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
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  • 2 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi,I'm trying to test PnP for Cisco Mobility Express devices (C1117- 4PLTEEAWE) using APIC-EM as shown in the docs here;
Hello Community, First a little background; We use APIC-EM PnP application to deploy a base configuration before adding devices to Prime for full configuration. This is all zero touch and allows us to fully deploy ISR devices by means of API scripts....
Hi,We currently use PI3.1 and CNS to bootstrap and provision devices by creating a generic PnP Profile without a serial number.This works really well and we are able to zero touch provision around 20-30 devices per week (800 series, ISR G2, ISR4K, CA...
Hi all,Does anyone know if it is possible to change the management IP address of an existing device through the API and also trigger a device Sync?I am trying to create a workflow for provisioning and this will require each device to be reconfigured ...
Hi All,I'm trying to access the NBI notifications MQ but can't seem to authenticate, I have installed the cert into the client's keystore but get an autheincation error on PI; [ActiveMQ Transport: ssl:///x.x.x.x:54002] WARN  Transport - Transport Con...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-16-2013 07:33 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-10-2024 04:46 AM
Posts 10
Total Helpful Votes Received 2
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