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Member since ‎04-05-2018

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  • 10 Posts
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Hi all,  I have a DMVPN architecture and I want to use PKI certificate for the authentication. 1- I manually generated the Certificate Signing Requests on the Hub and spokes. 2- I sent the certificate for signing to the CA team by email3- When I rece...
Hi all, PS: I am usingEVE-NG version: 2.0.3-59QEMU version: 2.4.0Cisco IOL 15.4 (cf.EVE_ROUTER file attached)I am trying to build a flexvpn dual hub dual cloud architecture with BGP as the overlay routing protocol.- Primary Hub (server) is RT-Auber (...
Hi all,  I have a DMVPN architecture with PSK as an authentification method. I want to change the PSK by PKI certificate using the customer's internal CA server. The customer CA server has a private IP address so it is not reachable via internet.  Th...
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Member Since ‎04-05-2018 09:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-31-2019 12:34 AM
Posts 10
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