Andrew Edgerton
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-15-2012

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I have a Cisco SPA502g attached to an Asterisk based system. When the user's phone is attached to a call queue and dials digits on the phone without picking up the receiver, then hits tthe dial softbutton, if a call came into the queue at the same ti...
I'm looking for some more documentation for the SPA50x (SPA502g exactly) and its Programable Soft Keys.I want to build a button that will start a blind tranfer with a *9 in the beginning of it and allow the user to press another 3 digits, and another...
I'm provisioning some SPA502g phones via an XML document template from the Cisco Support site and i'm running into a small problem. I want to make the username for the sip extension the same as the MAC address of the phone. But when I put in $MAC whi...
I'm having a bit of trouble with my SPA502G phone's dial plan. This is my current dial plan for ext 1 :L:15,S:2,(p5 | *9xxx | *9x | [1-4]xx | 6xx | 7xx | xxx xxxx | 608 xxx xxxx | <:1>xxx xxx xxxx | x xxx xxx xxxx )The issue I'm having is it isn't b...
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Member Since ‎02-15-2012 03:10 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 10