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Member since ‎02-07-2008

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Hi everyone, Here I am again with another question:I am having trouble enabling the COOP KS feature in GETVPN.Everything works as it should when I don't enable the redundancy feature, but when I enable the redundancy feature I get following message o...
HelloI am fairly new to GETVPN and I hit a brick wall at the moment. I am hoping somene will be able to help me...In attachement I will put a visio of my design in which I want to enable GETVPN.I want to enable GETVPN on my testnetwork but I want to ...
HiI was wandering if someone could help me with something I picked up:I heard that STP creates virtual interfaces on a port (per vlan for PVST, ...), how does this work?Is there a limitation/...Could some one be so kind to explain this to me or tell ...
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Member Since ‎02-07-2008 01:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-09-2017 11:51 AM
Posts 14
Total Helpful Votes Received 4
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