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Member since ‎10-07-2016

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I was trying to understand what exactly does the "mode border-element" do (under "voice service voip"). Yes, the short answer is "to enable CUBE".  But what *exactly* does it do?  For example, without "mode border-element", would there be any command...
Is there a SIP test tool that can customize the SIP request line? For example, VVB adds custom tag "aai" in the request line.  Is there a tool I can emulate this (add customized tag to request line) without installing VVB?  Thanks! INVITE sip:1234567...
The "Cisco-Gucid" header exists in one call leg (first appears in the "100 Trying" response), but not in another (a new INVITE).  I'm trying to use SIP profile to copy the header over (from dial-peer 2010 to dial peer 9012). But the result was - CUBE...
On old version of CUCM, there was a CCMCIP (Cisco CallManager Cisco IP Phone) service, which handles the phone configuration retrieval requests from various clients (such as Jabber).  On the new version, this service was not listed on "Control Center...
Sorry for newbie question.  I just added 3 "Cisco Webex Room Kit Plus" to CUCM, TMS and TMS-XE.  Everything works fine, except that all 3 units showing the warning below: WARNING: HTTP FeedbackThe HTTP Feedback for slot 3 can not be delivered. There ...
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Member Since ‎10-07-2016 07:12 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-24-2023 10:41 AM
Posts 25
Total Helpful Votes Received 11
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