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Member since ‎07-26-2007

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Hi,I am having an issue where I can only access our SSL VPN portal about 10% of the time.  I am able to telnet to the external interface on the ASA on port 443 but I can only bring the portal up about 10% of the time.  Sometimes it will just start wo...
Hey guys,This might be a simple one but when I enter the command:conf tisakmp key <SHAREDKEYNAME> address net memThe tunnel comes up and everything is fine.  If the ASA is rebooted then we have to re-enter the key.  It see...
Hi,Just wondering if DAP on the ASA can be used to detect devices connecting to the ASA via SSL VPN Client and then assign IP Pools based on OS's.  So for example if an OS is iPhone or iPad connecting with SSL VPN, assign a VPN policy with an IP addr...
Hi,Is there a way to use a web proxy server to make iPad SSL VPN Connections use an internal proxy server for web browsing when connected.  Split tunneling is not allowed but I want to allow users to be able to browse the internet by going through ou...
Hi,Just wondering if there is a way to have the AnyConnect iPad SSl VPN Client and the standard AnyConnect Client connect to the same IP on the outside interface of the ASA and have the ASA determine whether the system is and iPad or a normal laptop....
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-26-2007 03:44 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 92
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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