HIHow can i configure Fencing with Redhat Cluster suiteis anyone successed on this fencing configuration with red hat cluster suite.please help me to solve thisRegards,Ben
HIHow can i configure fence_cisco_ucs with redhat cluster suite.i was trying to configure fencing aganet with red ahat cluster suitei issued command # /usr/sbin/fence_vmware_soap -a -l admin -p duc2Cisco -o rebootthen i got below error:...
please anyone tell me how can i configure fencing with fence_cisco_ucs.from where can i get the Ip and all details.. i sthat same IP of KVM we need to give or any other IPcan i know this KVM IP is only for communicating between ucs central and server...
HIthanks for your replayactually i tried both fence_cisco_ucs and fence_vmware_soap. which one is used for fencing configuration..i think both method asking for plug number.i have access to UCS control panel. from where can i get these service or plu...