In a B series UCS , sitting on FI A ( Primary ) management interface console , can we reboot FI B . If so how ? I need to know the command.
Can FI be able to reboot from UCSM ? Again, if it is possible , how to do that.
I need some help to upgrade my current UCS firmware. Can anyone help me out to guide me the path to upgrade.
Current Base :
Cisco UCS 6120XP
Bios : S5500.2.0.5a.0.021220131047 ( Running )
Adapter 1 : Cisco UCS M81KR - 2.0(5c) ( Running ) ( Adapter ...
Hi Qiese ,
Thanks again for the quick reply and that document.
I'm almost understood the process and procedure. Just a last note , in your document you mentioned xsjgops or xirgops . What does that means, is that a manually created Sub-Organization...
Hi Qiese ,
Thank you very much for this document and the procedure . This is my 1st assignment and the document is really helpful.
Some of the things I need help from you if you can guide me.
1. My Current Firm is having 2.0 (5c ) . So as per documen...