Yanni, That's a very ingenuous solution! Were you able to do any analysis of the ipsec configuration to determine the key settings that are needed? I'll take a look at it and see if I can isolate the problem by looking at the changes from the imp...
Alexander, Did you find that this worked once you turned on the Windows Firewall? I'm troubleshooting the problem with Symantec Endpoint Protection and after uninstall and starting the standard windows firewall QuickVPN still does not work with ...
That's great information and the post of the update tool on the forum will really help others who found themselves in a bad situation like I did over the holidays!Thank you from all of us who were concerned that our upgrade had caused us to permanent...
I'm not sure why this Cisco small business product is not supported with the self help tools that had been in place previously, but I suspect this link will help a significant number of the people who have found this posting:http://download.modem-hel...
Thank you for the reply! I was able to use the RVS4000 firmware rescue utility v1.2 to recover the base firmware and access the router again (couldn't reach the support folks over the holidays, very understandable). It would be very helpful if this...