The reason for "{./ip-add}" evaluating to empty node is that the this previous line triggers a context change:
<name tags="create">{../vlan-id}</name>
If you change it to:
<name tags="create">{string(../vlan-id)}</name>
You will avoid that context...
You have a problem with finding the ncs binary its self, did you point back the symlink at /opt/ncs/current, to the correct previous version install location ?
I have found values of eg. forward-diff-set, diff-set, latest-commit-params and latest-u-info to be containing data in this format: https://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/erts/erl_ext_dist.html
You could try something like this in the erlang shell:
Hi Scoot
Looks a bit like a problem I ran across last year, do you see log lines like this on the CSR ?
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Apr 8 14:07:12.995 CEST: SSHD_[1297]: %SECURITY-SSHD-6-INFO_GENERAL : Incoming SSH session rate limit exceeded
If that is the case y...