i've tried to upgrade a CP-8811 IP Phone to the MPP 11.0.0 firmware.
The active load on the phone is sip88xx.10-4-1SR1-3-3PCC.
The load i want to upgrade to is sip88xx.11-0-0MPP-7
But the phone fails to upgrade. The reason is: Upgrade Error -...
I've used Wireshark and saw that apache treated the *.sbn files as a PHP script (whatever). So the device couldn't work with the "php" error result. This was a configuration fault.
The hint to look at the log files brought me on investigating in t...
i've read this thread before, so i tried to upgrade to 11.0.0, but it fails with the error "Loads File Not Found". The typo is right, i've also checked the HTTP download URL (the files are downloadable).
I'm aware that i have to upgrade to 11...
If you want to push a text object to the phone (not a status update) you can try this<CiscoIPPhoneExecute> <ExecuteItem Priority="0" URL="http://myserver/mypath/mytext_object.xml"/></CiscoIPPhoneExecute>where mytext_object.xml contains (Ta-Taaa!) t...