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Member since ‎10-05-2017

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Hello,I schedule a new meeting, and then I call GethosturlMeeting to obtain host url.But when someone opens this host url in the browser, it not only opens Cisco WebEx Meeting Center teleconferencing module, but also logs him/her in the browser as th...
Hello,I've noticed that some screens in WebEx offer the possibility to log in using thin client ("Join by browser"). It is an interesting option for me as it does not require participants to install browser plugins/extensions nor to launch a temporar...
Hello,I am using WebEx XML API V10.0.0 SP23.I am on Central European time (Paris/Brussels/Amsterdam...).When calling LstmeetingusageHistory and LstmeetingattendeeHistory API methods, the returned time fields (history:meetingStartTime, meeting/EndTime...
Hello,I have a script that is querying our WebEx instance every minute to retrieve information updates.Looking into logs, I discovered that last Friday, around 20:30, it started responding with the following data in the header:    <serv:response>    ...
Hello,Is there any way to allow Attendees to join the teleconference before the Host in VoIP-only meetings?When calling the CreateMeeting API method, if I set JoinTeleconfBeforeHost to true and telephonySupport to OTHER or NONE,I get error message: "...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-05-2017 07:12 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-19-2018 04:24 AM
Posts 11
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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