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Member since ‎02-15-2008

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Hi,We have a stand alone UCCX version 7.0 with SQL MSDE. To facilitate some form of custom reporting, the Business wants us to provide a read only access to the underlying db_cra so that they will just perform a bunch of Select statements to reacd th...
HI,     I have to come up with a design using the UCCX scripting to meet a business requirement. The business would like to capture all the different menu options the caller presses before he reaches an agent. For example, Main menu will have - "pres...
Hi,     We have UCCX 7.0(1)SR5_Build 504. This version is installed  as a stand alone box for testing environemnt. Now, I would like to view the tables/views etc the underlying db_cra database in this standalone install. How do I achieve this since I...
Hi,     We have the UCCX7.0 Premium with CAD 6.6. My client wanted to know agents belonging to different teams van view each other in their CAD's chat window? I did read an earlier post that this is not possible in UCCX5.0. Nevertheless, wasnted to s...
Hi,     We are using UCCX 7.0 with CAD 6.0. Is it possible to set the default state of the agent to Ready when they login to their CAD.Right now, they go to the default Not Ready state one they login.Thanks,DM
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Member Since ‎02-15-2008 01:52 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
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