enetsec enetsec
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Member since ‎07-06-2012

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Hello, dears.Im have the RV325 whit SIP , i connect on my server, and receiver and make calls, more the traffic of voice not listen.I was check and ports 5060 udp and 10000 ~ 20000 udp,  SIP ALG is enable and all ports of firewall.   someone have thi...
problems on RV016 the firmware Firmware Version :  v4.2.1.02 (Jan  18 2012 14:10:55) on port PPPoE mode.He makes the dial, but not Web  browsing correctly.The solution was to return the old version of firmware.
I would suggest some modifications to the firmware RV0xx devices because it is deficient in some characteristics:1 - In Website Blocking Keywords and Forbidden Domains, there could be an exception list of LAN hosts that were not affected by these blo...
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Member Since ‎07-06-2012 10:31 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-30-2022 12:05 AM
Posts 6