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Member since ‎09-12-2018

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Hi,I have tried the API below to get the statistics for top applications per tunnel from the reserved sd-wan sandbox.https://{{vmanage}}:{{port}}/dataservice/​statistics​/approute​/device​/tunnel​/summary?deviceId= getting message as "i...
Hi,Have tried the API below and get response that include these statisctics rx/tx-packets, rx/tx-error etc. but not the up_capacity_percentage and down_capacity_percentage. Does vManage sandbox support those statistics? If yes, any pointer on which A...
Hi, I am looking for temperature and fan stats for system but those fields are not available from the APIs below. Stats for CPU, memory and disk are available so wondering why temperature and fan state are not.Anybody can confirm if the the stats are...
Hi, I have connected to SD WAN lab using openConnect and able to get response from vManage APIs using postman. In vManage dashboards for TLOC and Tunnel, there are stats like Latency, Jitter, Loss (%), FEC Loss Recovery (%) and etc. Are there APIs av...
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Member Since ‎09-12-2018 08:14 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-05-2021 08:03 PM
Posts 7