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Member since ‎04-18-2019

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Hi all,May anyone advice me related the below problem:I have an ASA 5508 with firepower service (on ASDM). All was up and running fine. After I created an Intrusion rule, the internet service become slow and the network experienced timeouts.I cleared...
Hi everyone,One of my client want to configure an ASA5506 from the old configuration of ASA5510. Can anyone explain me the below commands. And which would be the equivalent  syntax commands for ASA 5506-X? global (Outside) 101 interfacenat (Inside) 0...
Hello All,Please I need help.After configuring an ASA5506-X one PC on the LAN can't connect to the internet.I have disabled proxy arp on inside interface, to avoid a possible ip address conflict. I also did some traces, like below. ASA declare all Al...
Hello all,please may somebody advice me regarding ASA licensing?I have 2 ASA with base licenses and firepower module and I want to install licenses for Threat protection, URL Filter, Email Spam Protection, malware protection, botnet prevention. I hav...
Hello all,I have to create a topology for VPN connection of the branches with the HQ, to access the servers. My question is: Which FW series (ASA, FRP...) to employ at the HQ and which one to the branches. Branches are small offices up to 10 employee...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-18-2019 05:27 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-23-2021 12:47 AM
Posts 72
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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