Boyan Sotirov
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-20-2012

User Statistics

  • 102 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 52 Helpful votes Given
  • 31 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

It was brought to my attention from a customer where redcently deployed Cisco SD-WAN infrastructure.  So, they've started a traceroute from a local LAN segment at the center location, to a remote site LAN segment. Both of initiating and receiving hos...
I have the following question regarding the Sponsor Portal in ISE 3.1.  So we have the following very simple and typical deployment. There are two ISE 3.1 VMs which are deployed as Active and Standby nodes.  It all works, including the Guest and Supp...
I have been playing aroung with a pretty simple and straight forward setup. A CUCM, a phone which is registered there and an ISR 4351 router, which has to play the role of CUCM and a SRST device.  The SIP dial peers are configured on the router, but ...
I'm working on an ASA 5516-X with FirePower Services.  Unfortunately we don't have a budget for FMC, so the management of the FirePower moduels is done via ASDM. But anyhow, we managed to get it working.  Now the task is to configure a URL filtering ...
Hi,  I've just installed a VM from the OVA file I downloaded from  The installation went without any errors, I've put an admin password, all the checks went fine and than I let it run for an hour or so.  I came back, I tried to login - not...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-20-2012 03:20 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-07-2024 04:26 PM
Posts 102
Total Helpful Votes Received 31