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Level 1
Member since ‎11-01-2001

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I have a unique dial-up setup for a remote LAN. My LAN consists of Aironet wireless products and a Cisco1602 R router. This LAN is not a standard LAN as it has no PC connected to it. The host stations consist of GPS devices and Lantronix IP server...
I am trying to connect a 1602 router to an ISP via a PPP connection. On the 1602 end I have a Serial WAN interface card hooked up to a modem via a CAB-232FC cable. My questions are: How do I configure the router to make the call to the ISP and con...
What are the pin outs that I would use to connect a 2621 router that has a 56k/64k DSU/CSU WIC to a 1602-R router that has the same 56k/64k DSU/CSU WIC. I am trying to setup a lab with these two routers. I want to simulate a 56k Frame Relay network...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-01-2001 02:13 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 13