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Member since ‎11-15-2011

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First one purchased started up okay, then during initial setup, the router lights started flashing repeatedly and could not get it back up again.  Tried unplugging, holding reset button in for 30 seconds, just could not get it back up.  So I did a st...
We have an RV042 with issues emailing logs.For nearly a year after I originally installed this router, I could not get the email log feature to work.  Then out of the blue, this past July, it started working all by itself.On August 6, it stopped work...
I would like to create a rule that that allows computers on the 192.168.5.x subnet to only have internet access (ports 80 and 443).  This is a guest subnet, so do not want them having access to our LAN (which is on 10.x.x.x).  Could someone check att...
I am having some connection issues with certain clients.  I came across this in the VPN documentation:  "To avoid address conflicts between the LAN settings of your router and VPN users' routers, do not configure your LAN with a common IP address ran...
Is there a way to use QuickVPN with the RV042 without leaving ports 80 and 443 wide open to Shields UP! scans?  As a workaround, I am forwarding these ports to a non-existent IP and forcing QuickVPN to use port 60443.  Yes, 60443 shows as open too if...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-15-2011 02:28 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 26
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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