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Member since ‎03-12-2010

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Hi, Recently I have upgraded to latest image file i.e 15.1(2) T1 to support the Ipv6 functionality in my router. It seems that Cisco will support only CISCO-IETF-IP-MIB instead of standard Mibs IP-MIB (RFC4293).  Please let me know the reason why Cis...
Hi, I want to implement Ipv6 networking in our lab.  Before get into production, I have planned to try with testing set up. The testing set up would be comprising of  a switch, router and some of desktops.  I have a C2900XL series switches, please le...
Hi,I need to find out the devices which are connected to a router.   Is there any way Can I find out the above information using SNMP ?  If so, please let me the mibs details.Is there is any way can I find the router to router connectivity and router...
Hi All, I try to findout the number of devices which are connected to a switch using SNMP query. As per my understanding, the dot1dTpFdbTable of Bridge MIB have the details of the devices which are reachable through the particular port ( MacAddress -...
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Member Since ‎03-12-2010 07:35 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 4