Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎04-16-2015

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  • 227 Posts
  • 6 Solutions
  • 176 Helpful votes Given
  • 65 Helpful votes Received
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Hello everybody, our customer has different Firepower appliances running rel. two ASA5516 running The FMCv is running rel. too. For the firewalls in the remote sites we get the error message (see screen dump): Cisco Support...
Hello everybody, our customer has HA pair of two Firepower 4115 running rel. TheFMC is running rel. too. We found a message that the failover will not working because interfaceEthernet1/7 is DOWN on the standby unit (see screen dump ...
Hello everybody, a customer has a Firepower 1120 running rel. 7.3.0 with the FDM We have to troubleshoot S2S VPN tunnel issues and I went to the CLIand entered: > system support diag# debug crypto ikev2 protocol 255# debug crypto cond peer X.X.X.X W...
Hello everybody, our customer has a Firepower 2130 running ASA image rel. 9.14(4)24. They have several hundret S2S tunnels (see attached ASDM screen dump) and I have the task to extract all group policy names that are using IKEv1 and their peer IP ad...
Hello everybody, our customer has a FMC appliance 1600 running rel. Because the new CVE-2024-20424 I have to upgrade it to rel. At FMCs on virtual machines we simply make a SnapShot of the VMto be on the safe side. How can I save th...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-16-2015 02:40 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-04-2024 12:25 AM
Posts 227
Total Helpful Votes Received 65