el 04-05-2023 01:07 PM
Buen día, espero puedan ayudarme.
Tengo un AP3802I-A-K9 e intento conectarme por medio de comunicación serial con Putty (COM3), pero no tengo comunicación, nunca me carga la consola, quiero enlazarlo a mi WLC 5520 y indicarle que se conecte a el pero no puedo ya que la consola no me da imagen !
el 04-05-2023 01:16 PM
You dont need to console to the AP as long as the WLC is recheable to the AP.
The AP will try to find the WLC when you connect it to the network, you just need to make sure the AP is able to reach the WLC.
The problem may not be the AP but your USB adapter. Most of USB adapter have problem with APs.
el 04-05-2023 01:29 PM
Hello, I connected it to the network but it still does not link to the WLC and it does not let me enter the console, I still cannot solve my problem, help!
el 04-05-2023 01:44 PM
You need to make sure connectivity is ok.
When the connectivity is fine, AP will join the wlc and you dont need console.
Can you see if the AP is getting IP address?
Can you ping it from WLC?
Connectivity is the key here.
el 04-05-2023 02:10 PM
I can't see if the AP receives IP since it's new just out of the packet.
I can't see what the AP is doing.
el 04-05-2023 02:56 PM
Is it connected to a switch? It is a managed switch?
If is, you can see on the switch
Run show cdp neighbor on the switch
el 04-05-2023 03:05 PM
Hola @Nix28
Inténtalo siguiente:
1. Envía a valores de fabrica el AP por medio del botón Mode.
2. Revisa que el puerto COM sea el correcto.
3. Utiliza otro cliente de terminal
04-06-2023 01:15 AM - editado 04-06-2023 01:31 AM
Hello @Nix28,
Is your AP and WLC in the same subnet? if they are in different subnets you have to configure option 43 in your DHCP server with the ip address of your WLC so that the AP can find it.
About your problem connectiong to the AP via console. As @Flavio Miranda said, Most likely this is a problem with the USB adapter or configuration in putty.
Check the following:
1.Make sure your USB adapter is recognized by your PC and which COM number it gets
2.Use exactly the COM number your USB got in Putty
3.Make sure putty is using SERIAL connection (NOT SSH or Telnet) and that the speed is the default (9600-8-N-1)
That should be enough for you to be able to connect via console
el 04-11-2023 08:12 AM
Buenos dias, eh probado el COM correcto, cambiando el terminar y aun nada, no me da imagen se mantiene con el led verde y rojo parpadeando no puedo ver lo que pasa con el AP ya que no me da imagen por consola.
el 04-11-2023 08:22 AM
el 04-11-2023 09:56 AM
Hola @Nix28
Prueba con otro SSH o cable de consola diferente
el 04-11-2023 08:23 AM
Prueba otro cable de consola o adaptador serial (o USB), si en otro equipo te funcionan, revisa el baud rate speed.
el 04-18-2023 08:36 AM
Gracias a todos, efectivamente era el conector COM, la solución fue utilizar un equipo que tuviera COM (Torre), el problema era que pasaba de consola a USB, tiene que ir directo consola a COM.
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