A thank you goes out to Mohamed Arif Hajamohideen.
Please check the following pre-requisite to execute the VIX task.
· Respective VM (Linux or Windows) must be powered on.
· Username and Password must be known for the VM.
· VMware tools must be installed.
· ESX host should be reachable from UCSD. Do a ping test to the ESX host-IP from UCSD server
· SSH to UCSD server and Execute the following sample command for debugging
Sample Command :
/opt/infra/inframgr/vmsetup/cuicGuestWindowsCommand https://<Vcenter IP>/sdk <vcernter-username> <vcenter-password> <datastore_vmx_storage_file_pathe> <VM_UserName> <VM Password> C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe "/c mkdir C:\\test2"
/opt/infra/inframgr/vmsetup/cuicGuestWindowsCommand username password "[datastore1 (1)] Girisha-dont-power-off-1/Girisha-dont-power-off-1.vmx" GIRISHATEST\\administratorcloupia123 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe "/c mkdir C:\\test2"

The VIX Script Guide has been published to cisco.com. The URL is:
Output from VIX is potentially Here:
Login Errors:
There are instances if VIX is used in post vm deployments (workflow) that the customization of the VM may not be completed and hence results in a login error. The VM deployment needs to be finished before a VIX task can log on and execute.
VIX and Windows (By Paul Currie)
Due to a Windows security setting that forces administrators to have to manually elevate the command prompt. It can be disabled through group policy but will likely toss up a warning in the Action Center about degraded security.

VIX trouble shooting with API call (by Arif):
Execute the RestAPI ‘userAPIExecuteVIXScriptWithOutput’.
This API creates an output file (the file extension is .txt ) in the file path location /opt/infra/vix_temp_files. For a Windows VM , the API creates a batch file (the file extension is .bat) for verifying the batch command.

echo hi\n echo this is secondline"}
More Trouble Shooting suggestions from the field:

Exact registry entry that this policy affects and a PowerShell method of setting it:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] -Name EnableLUA -Value 0
PowerShell command to disable UAC:
Set-ItemProperty -Path registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System -Name EnableLUA -Value 0
Or, if that “EnableLUA” registry key does not already exist, you may need to use something like:
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system -Name EnableLUA -PropertyType DWord -Value 0 -Force
See these articles for details on how to completely disable UAC:
Side Notes: Second hop Problem
More Notes and things to try:
Enabled CredSSP in power shell host winrm service
Within the power shell script create a new session to localhost
$session = New-PSSession -Credential $credential -Authentication CredSSP -ComputerName localhost
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { #Place your dnscmd automation }