两台WS-C3750X-24S支持堆叠吗?堆叠之后把SW1的1接口和SW2的1接口可以做链路捆绑吗?有没有配置手册或者命令告诉我一下谢谢。第2个交换机C3750-2(config)#switch 1 renumber 2 ,提示There is no switch number 1 in the stack为什么?
4503-E交换机用GLC-T光转电模块不能使用,接口速率,双工模式不能调(没有SPED/DUPLEX命令),但是在别的设备上测试模块没问题,能正常使用查看接口信息 GigabitEthernet2/27 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect) Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet Port, address is c471.fec0.a95a (bia c471.fec0.a95a) MTU 1500 bytes, BW...
Dear all, I through the show env all this command, got it:FAN 1 is OKFAN 2 is OKFAN PS-1 is NOT INITIALIZEDFAN PS-2 is OKTEMPERATURE is OKTemperature Value: 21 Degree CelsiusTemperature State: GREENYellow Threshold : 46 Degree CelsiusRed Threshold ...