9800也是需要license的,控制ap加入数量的授权应该是AIR Network License,思科在9800的license Q/A中有这么一个问题
Q. What happens if I do not license my 9800 WLC? A.Even if the controller is not properly licensed, it will still be fully functional. You will occasionally see notifications and syslog messages reminding you to license your controller. Cisco retains the right to conduct audits to check licensing compliance.
9800也是需要license的,控制ap加入数量的授权应该是AIR Network License,思科在9800的license Q/A中有这么一个问题
Q. What happens if I do not license my 9800 WLC? A.Even if the controller is not properly licensed, it will still be fully functional. You will occasionally see notifications and syslog messages reminding you to license your controller. Cisco retains the right to conduct audits to check licensing compliance.