I have a ACE 4710 which I have enabled compression on the L7 policy map using compress default-method gzip. We have recently run a performance test and I have noticed many compression errors on the show service-policy detail output. However I cannot find details as to what these errors are or cause in any manual.
The comprssion specific stats from show service-policy detail are:
bytes_in : 14449218178 bytes_out : 6622221458
Compression ratio : 54.16%
Gzip: 2308157 Deflate: 0
compression errors:
User-Agent : 0 Accept-Encoding : 0
Content size: 1244 Content type : 160821
Not HTTP 1.1: 39 HTTP response error: 1935746
Others : 0
If I am reading this correctly 90% of compression hits where in error?
Can anyone point me at the correct documentation to find out what is going on?