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Cisco Multicast Manager 3.2 Password recorvery

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, Please can anybody help me how to do a  password recovery on multicast manager 3.2.

1 Reply 1

Prabhu S
Level 1
Level 1

Hi Jose,

Please find the password recovery steps as below:

If an administrator password is forgotten, lost, or misconfigured, you need to reset the password on the


Note There is no way to restore a lost administrator password. You must reset the password to a new one, as

described in this procedure.

To reset the password, do the following:

Step 1 Establish a console connection to the device and open a terminal session.

Step 2 Reboot the device.

While the device is rebooting, watch for the following prompt and press Enter when you see it:

Cisco CDS boot:hit RETURN to set boot flags:0009

Step 3 When prompted to enter bootflags, enter the 0x800 value.

Available boot flags (enter the sum of the desired flags):

0x0000 - exit this menu and continue booting normally


Backup and Recovery Procedures

0x2000 - ignore Carrier Detect on console

0x4000 - bypass nvram config

0x8000 - disable login security

[SE boot - enter bootflags]:0x8000

You have entered boot flags = 0x8000

Boot with these flags? [yes]:yes

[Display output omitted]

Setting the configuration flags to 0x8000 lets you into the system, bypassing all

security. Setting the configuration flags field to 0x4000 lets you bypass the NVRAM


Step 4 When the device completes the boot sequence, you are prompted to enter the username to access the CLI.

Enter the default administrator username (admin).

Cisco Service Engine Console

Username: admin

Step 5 When you see the CLI prompt, set the password for the user using the username password command

in global configuration mode.

ServiceEngine# configure

ServiceEngine(config)# username admin password 0 password

You can specify that the password be either clear text or encrypted. Zero (0) means the password is

displayed as a plain word; one (1) means the password is encrypted.The password strength must be a

combination of alphabetic character, at least one number, at least one special character, and at least one

uppercase character.

Note Do not set the user ID (uid).

Step 6 Save the configuration change by using the write memory command in EXEC mode.

ServiceEngine(config)# exit

ServiceEngine# write memory

Step 7 Optionally, reboot your device by using the reload command.

ServiceEngine# reload

Rebooting is optional; however, you might want to reboot to ensure that the boot flags are reset, and to

ensure that subsequent console administrator logins do not bypass the password check.

Note In CDS software, the bootflags are reset to 0x0 on every reboot

If an administrator password is forgotten, lost, or misconfigured, you need to reset the password on the


Note There is no way to restore a lost administrator password. You must reset the password to a new one, as

described in this procedure.

To reset the password, do the following:

Step 1 Establish a console connection to the device and open a terminal session.

Step 2 Reboot the device.

While the device is rebooting, watch for the following prompt and press Enter when you see it:

Cisco CDS boot:hit RETURN to set boot flags:0009

Step 3 When prompted to enter bootflags, enter the 0x800 value.

Available boot flags (enter the sum of the desired flags):

0x0000 - exit this menu and continue booting normally


Backup and Recovery Procedures

0x2000 - ignore Carrier Detect on console

0x4000 - bypass nvram config

0x8000 - disable login security

[SE boot - enter bootflags]:0x8000

You have entered boot flags = 0x8000

Boot with these flags? [yes]:yes

[Display output omitted]

Setting the configuration flags to 0x8000 lets you into the system, bypassing all

security. Setting the configuration flags field to 0x4000 lets you bypass the NVRAM


Step 4 When the device completes the boot sequence, you are prompted to enter the username to access the CLI.

Enter the default administrator username (admin).

Cisco Service Engine Console

Username: admin

Step 5 When you see the CLI prompt, set the password for the user using the username password command

in global configuration mode.

ServiceEngine# configure

ServiceEngine(config)# username admin password 0 password

You can specify that the password be either clear text or encrypted. Zero (0) means the password is

displayed as a plain word; one (1) means the password is encrypted.The password strength must be a

combination of alphabetic character, at least one number, at least one special character, and at least one

uppercase character.

Note Do not set the user ID (uid).

Step 6 Save the configuration change by using the write memory command in EXEC mode.

ServiceEngine(config)# exit

ServiceEngine# write memory

Step 7 Optionally, reboot your device by using the reload command.

ServiceEngine# reload

Rebooting is optional; however, you might want to reboot to ensure that the boot flags are reset, and to

ensure that subsequent console administrator logins do not bypass the password check.

Note In CDS software, the bootflags are reset to 0x0 on every reboot

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