Hi Haiver,
You can limit the number of concurent connections to a real server. For instance:
ACE(config)# serverfarm host SF1
ACE(config-sfarm-host)# rserver SRV1
ACE(config-sfarm-host-rs)# ?
Configure rserver instance:
backup-rserver Configure backup-rserver for this rserver
conn-limit Configure max/min connection limits for the server <<<
description Configure description string for real server
do EXEC command
end Exit from configure mode
exit Exit from this submode
fail-on-all Fail real when all probes fail
inservice Activate rserver instance
no Negate a command or set its defaults
probe Associate probe with rserver instance
rate-limit Configure rate limit per second <<<
Or you can limit the connection rate to a vip by configuring something similar to this:
ACE(config)# parameter-map type connection pmap
ACE(config-parammap-conn)# ?
Configure connection parameters:
description Configure description string for this parameter-map
do EXEC command
end Exit from configure mode
exceed-mss Configure behavior if a packet exceeds MSS
exit Exit from this submode
nagle Enable Nagle TCP optimization algorithm
no Negate a command or set its defaults
random-sequence-number Enable TCP sequence number randomization <<<
But i guess you rater like to limit the number of connections from a single source ip. This is not possible.