probe tcp LDAP
port 389
rserver host one
ip address
probe HTTP
probe HTTPS
probe ADAM
rserver host two
ip address
probe HTTPS
probe HTTP
probe ADAM
serverfarm host ApplicationServer
failaction purge
predictor leastconns
rserver one
rserver two
And we have configure the VIP correctly but the issue is When accessing the netpro client via the application server,it get to the login screen, but after entering the username and password the application will then hang, eventually we get a message saying communication has been lost due to possible network disruption. So to summarise it looks like the hang occurs about the time the application performs LDAP authentication but having said that I don't think it has anything to do with the LDAP process as the application launch window is then displayed showing license details so authentication has been completed.
Kindly let me know if i am missing any configuration here....any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
NOTE:- this happens only after the failover from primary ACE to the Secndary ACE.