Hello All,
I have a probe config as below:
probe http healthcheck
interval 5
faildetect 1
passdetect interval 2
passdetect count 1
request method get url /healthcheck.aspx
expect status 200 200
expect regex "Name = ASR"
The ASR health check page verifies the health of a given ASR server based on the ASR performance counters and returns a web page (HTML) formatted with one of the two following results:
GET /healthcheck.aspx
1) healthy ASR server returns code 200 + a page that contains "Name = ASR"
2) unhealthy ASR server returns code 200 + a page that contains diagnostic counter data (counts for database, launcher, and adapter faults)
So, the expectation is that the load balancer could use both the return code and the page content to determine whether a given ASR server is healthy (or not) and either keep it in the pool or remove it.
Can someone advice if this config is correct or how the config should be ?