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WAE-512 unable to register on Central Manager

Level 1
Level 1

Dear friends,

I'm trying to register a WAE appliance on my lab environment and I'm getting following output (from "debug cms"):

WAE2(config)#cms enable

2005 Jul  5 06:08:00 WAE2 config: %WAAS-PARSER-6-350232: CLI_LOG log_cli_command: cms enable  

2005 Jul  5 06:08:01 WAE2 perl: %WAAS-CMS-6-700001: configuration properties from database are not set in dataserver

2005 Jul  5 06:08:01 WAE2 perl: %WAAS-CMS-6-700001: configuration properties from database are not set in dataserver

2005 Jul  5 06:08:05 WAE2 perl: %WAAS-CMS-6-700001: Node tv out type is not set, setting to `none'

2005 Jul  5 06:08:05 WAE2 perl: %WAAS-CMS-6-700001: Registering WAAS Application Engine...

Registering WAAS Application Engine...

2005 Jul  5 06:08:06 WAE2 java: %WAAS-CMS-6-700001: register(main): Sending  device registration request to Central Manager with address

Sending  device registration request to Central Manager with address

2005 Jul  5 06:08:35 WAE2 exec_license: %WAAS-CLI-5-170098: The License Transport has not been purchased.

2005 Jul  5 06:08:35 WAE2 Sysmon: %WAAS-SYSMON-5-445011: Fault cleared: WAAS product license is missing. 

2005 Jul  5 06:11:40 WAE2 exec_license: %WAAS-CLI-5-170098: The License Transport has not been purchased.

Failed to contact CDM 9001). Please check connectivity with CDM device and status of management service on CDM.

2005 Jul  5 06:13:56 WAE2 perl: %WAAS-CMS-0-700001: Registration failed(512).

register: Registration failed(512).

2005 Jul  5 06:13:56 WAE2 perl: %WAAS-CMS-0-700001: unable to register node

cms: unable to register node

FAILED to enable management services

2005 Jul  5 06:14:23 WAE2 config: %WAAS-PARSER-6-350232: CLI_LOG log_cli_command: end 

WAE2#sh license

2005 Jul  5 06:14:26 WAE2 -admin-shell: %WAAS-PARSER-6-350232: CLI_LOG log_cli_command: sh license  

License Name   Status      Activation Date Activated By 

-------------- ----------- --------------- --------------

Transport      not active

Enterprise     active      07/05/2005      admin        

Video          not active

I know clock is wrong.  CM address is correctly configured and I can ping it from the application accelerator.  WCCP config (on router and on appliance) is done as well.

Do you have any tips to solve this issue?

4 Replies 4

Felix Arrieta
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

hello Mauricio,

try the following:

from the WAE not registering:

1-Make sure you configure the default gateway on the WAE

2-on the CLI enter the following commands in the same order, not all at once give it a few seconds between line and line:

-ip path-mtu-discovery enable

-no cms enable

-cms deregister force

-cms enable

3- if still the same please open a case with TAC so they can get the sysreport from the unit.



Hi, Felix,

Thanks for replying.  I'll try these commands and let you know if anything is ok after them.


Hi, Felix,

I discovered the problem.  Carrier's network is filtering registration traffic somehow.  I gotta talk to technical staff so they can search where exactly the filter is.

My duty now is to find which ports are used by CMS communication betweeen Central Manager and application accelerator.  I didn't find it yet.


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