I am getting the following message while trying to configure WCCP redirection on my 7200 router.
I have added this router to the routerlist of the WAE edge device. Ping is successful, but the following problem prevails.
NASCM-MPLS#show ip wccp
Global WCCP information:
Router information:
Router Identifier: -not yet determined-
Protocol Version: 2.0
Service Identifier: 61
Number of Cache Engines: 0
Number of routers: 0
Total Packets Redirected: 0
Process: 0
Fast: 0
CEF: 0
Redirect access-list: WCCP-61Out-Inside
Total Packets Denied Redirect: 0
Total Packets Unassigned: 0
Group access-list: -none-
Total Messages Denied to Group: 0
Total Authentication failures: 0
Total Bypassed Packets Received: 0
Service Identifier: 62
Number of Cache Engines: 0
Number of routers: 0
Total Packets Redirected: 0
Process: 0
Fast: 0
CEF: 0
Redirect access-list: WCCP-62In-Inside
Total Packets Denied Redirect: 0
Total Packets Unassigned: 0
Group access-list: -none-
Total Messages Denied to Group: 0
Total Authentication failures: 0
Total Bypassed Packets Received: 0