I'm trying to get a list of all users in a CUC cluster with their administrative role for auditing purposes. I have found the following two unitydirdb tables which have the users and the roles:
vw_globaluser: Contains all users of Unity with objectid and identifying information.
vw_roles: contains all administrative roles a user can have.
I cannot find the table that maps these two together. The database structure looks a bit more complicated than in CUCM and CER.
In CUCM, for example, the user table was enduser and the admin groups were in dirgroup. They were mapped in the table enduserdirgroupmap. These tables exist in CUC but it appears the functionality has been migrated to the newer tables.
Is there any way to make this association (or through similar tables) in CUC? I have been browsing with CUDLI which is an excellent tool but I've just not been able to figure out the name of the mapping table.
Thank you!