yesterday I encountered the same issue on Cisco ISR4321/K9 router, serial SN: FDO2204A3MB, with NIM-1MFT-T1/E1 module serial SN: FOC21502UYX and PVDM4-32 DSP module serial SN: FOC22012WEL.
The device is configured as a voice gateway, ISDN to Cisco CallManager and MS Office 365 Skype.
I have added an configuration change to in on Jun 23 an reloaded it.
24 Jun I noticed messages like:
"000388: Jun 24 17:10:23.960: %FLEXDSPRM-5-OUT_OF_RESOURCES: No dsps found either locally or globally."
in the device syslog, and the "show voice dsp group all" output begins with:
DSP groups on slot 0/1 slot id 1
dsp 1:
State: APP_DNLDING, firmware: 0.0.0
The Cisco ISR4321/K9 router is using software "isr4300-universalk9.16.03.07.SPA.bin", and I tested it with software version "isr4300-universalk9.16.06.04.SPA.bin" with the same result.
Is a workaround for Cisco ISR4321/K9 device available?
Thank you
František Opravil, Senior Specialist, UCC Operations, Tieto corp.