I have an issue that sounds similar to this defect and wondered if anyone knew more about the background to this fix.
We have a custom integration (not Cisco Agent Desktop) that is connecting to the CTI server in order to listen for agent events. We had an issue whereby there were 3 PIMs configured on this environment. Some fail-over situation occurred resulting in 2 PIMs being up and 1 down. Our integration only really requires data from 2 of the PIMs and not the one that was down.
However when we tried to make an OPEN_REQ to the CTI Server then we got an error code E_CTI_SESSION_NOT_OPEN that essentially blocks access to the entire server. Is this valid behaviour?
It sounds similar to this issue where the VRU PIM being down is blocking access to CTI despite CAD not requiring access to this. Was the fix for this to get the Cisco Agent Desktop to handle this error scenario or has the CTI Server fixed to not return the above error code in this scenario?