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CSCvd29174 - Allow user to delete TID sources when stuck those on "Downloading", "Parsing", or "Scheduled" mode

Level 1
Level 1

I now have feeds that have been stuck on "Parsing" for days.  IT is my understanding that the source of these feeds is defunct and should be removed.  The problem is, I can't delete them.  I can't even queue them to be deleted the next time the system is able to do so (cause I'd settle for "it will delete at the next reboot" and then go and restart FMC processes).


Has anyone found a way to remove defunct feeds that are stuck in the "parsing" state and won't allow for altercation?


7 Replies 7

Russell Rockett
Level 1
Level 1

TAC walked me through how to clear the TID source database.

They did call this a bug (as opposed to the "as expected" on the referenced CSC)

This is very much "at your own risk" unless you too open a TAC case and get them to walk you through this.  But it worked perfectly in removing the Sources that were hung on Pending for me.


  1. login to the FMC console
  2. elevate to root
    sudo su -
  3. elevate from root to "lamplighter"
    sudo su - lamplighter
  4. login to MongoDB
  5. enter the lamplighter database
    use lamplighter
  6. drop the database (I paused at this point and snapshot my VM)
  7. exit MongoDB
  8. Login to the Redis CLI
  9. Flush Redis cache then close the dB CLI
  10. de-elevate from lamplighter back to root
  11. Touch an instructional pointer file to allow the lamplighter database to reset
    touch /var/opt/lamplighter/do-db-init
  12. re-elevate back up to lamplighter
    sudo su - lamplighter
  13. restart the supervisor processes
    restart all
  14. exit back out of the various elevations and CLI access
  15. go back to the FMC web interface & login
  16. go to the TID center and all the sources should now be de-listed

I really wish there was a way to do this without deleting all sources/TID data. I have sources that have been stuck on "Parsing" for weeks with no way to delete them. 

Good question!! 

I tried these steps and it helped me deleted the pending sources. But is there any way to delete the selected sources or pending sources but not all?


Any heads up would be highly appreciated.


WIth Version I follwed the following steps to get the sources "unstuck"

Unfortunatly after two days the source is stuck again :-(



  1. SSH to the FMC


  1. Elevate to root:

# sudo su –


  1. Enter Lamplighter scope:

# sudo su – lamplighter


  1. Enter mongo database:

$ mongo


  1. Apply following command:

> use lamplighter


  1. To delete stuck tasks, apply following command:

db.source.update({"version" : "1.0.0"},{$set:{"feedStatus" : "completed"}},{multi:true})

after applying this solution , now socurces keeps in parsing and no indicators shown , any help?

Nathan Gagne
Level 1
Level 1

I've had feeds "parsing" since October 2017 - no joke. Cisco bug ID CSCvh06154. 


The database manipulation listed above finally fixed it for me.

Level 1
Level 1

I'm having this issue also. Upgraded to 7.0.5 hoping that would fix it.


Any source I add gets stuck in "Parsing" status. If I perform either of those suggestions the sources can be deleted. If I try and add any type of source it gets stuck again and neither 'Block' or 'Monitor' functions work.