
CSCwe70831 - Watchdog triggers restart after: Connection reset by peer

Level 1
Level 1

The Cisco IoT Field Network Director - FND watchdog must be disabled every time the service is restarted since the starting script will re-add to CRON.

You can disable watchdog after you execute the service cgms start by using the following at the FND App Server command line with in a few minutes of the start.  You have a bit since it kicks every 5 minutes and does not mark down until 3 failures for a total of 15 minutes.


crontab -e

Move to line with cgms_watchdog.sn and delete the line using "dd" command:

*/5 * * * * /opt/cgms/bin/cgms_watchdog.sh

Escape out of edit mode and quit and write:

Esc :wq enter


This line is re-added at the beginning of next startup of service, so this is not a permanent fix.  This workaround will have to be used on each startup if the watchdog log shows evidence of triggering restart.


CGMS Watchdog Log

cat /opt/cgms/server/cgms/log/cgms_watchdog.log

01-02-2023 11:30:05 EST: ERROR: IoT-FND application server is not responding. Retry count: 1, Max retry: 6
01-02-2023 11:35:02 EST: ERROR: IoT-FND application server is not responding. Retry count: 2, Max retry: 6
01-02-2023 11:40:03 EST: ERROR: IoT-FND application server is not responding. Retry count: 3, Max retry: 6
01-02-2023 11:45:03 EST: ERROR: IoT-FND application server is not responding. Retry count: 4, Max retry: 6
01-02-2023 11:50:02 EST: ERROR: IoT-FND application server is not responding. Retry count: 5, Max retry: 6
01-02-2023 11:55:03 EST: ERROR: IoT-FND application server is not responding. Retry count: 6, Max retry: 6
01-02-2023 11:55:03 EST: ERROR: Max retry reached.
01-02-2023 11:55:03 EST: INFO: IoT-FND is not running.
01-02-2023 11:55:03 EST: INFO: Starting IoT-FND ...
01-03-2023 11:10:09 EST: ERROR: IoT-FND is not responding. Retry count: 1, Max retry: 3


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Level 1
Level 1

Cisco indicated in TAC case that this is fixed in 4.11.0-x.