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Jabber Call Static/no sound Issue

Level 1
Level 1

CUCM v11.5.1.14900-11

Jabber for Windows v12.8.2.52982 Build 302982 


Users will experience static/no sound when speaking with callers but this happens every now and then, i suspect it could be the headsets that we use which are USB headsets but we will be ordering 3.5mm jack headsets to test.


We use Jabber for Windows over Anyconnect VPN and most if not all of the agents working from home meet the bandwidth requirements. 


I believe it's one way (guest to an agent) with the static issue but I don't know if the guest also hears static on their end. The active call statistics for a few examples also show no loss in voice packets both ways.


AudioRxBitrate : 64 kbps

AudioRxCodecType : G711
AudioRxCumulativePercentLost : 0.317248 %
AudioRxJitter : 2 ms
AudioRxPackets : 5970
AudioRxPercentLost : 0 %
AudioTxBitrate : 63 kbps
AudioTxCodecType : G711
AudioTxCumulativePercentLost : 0 %
AudioTxJitter : 0 ms
AudioTxPackets : 5987
AudioTxPercentLost : 0 %
AudioTxRoundTrip : 0 ms
PresentationHighProfile : false
PresentationRxBitrate : 0 bps
PresentationRxCodecType : NONE
PresentationRxCumulativePercentLost : 0 %
PresentationRxFrameHeight : 0
PresentationRxFrameWidth : 0
PresentationRxFramesPerSecond : 0 fps
PresentationRxJitter : 0 ms
PresentationRxPackets : 0
PresentationRxPercentLost : 0 %
PresentationTxBitrate : 0 bps
PresentationTxCodecType : NONE
PresentationTxCumulativePercentLost : 0 %
PresentationTxFrameHeight : 0
PresentationTxFrameWidth : 0
PresentationTxFramesPerSecond : 0 fps
PresentationTxJitter : 0 ms
PresentationTxPackets : 0
PresentationTxPercentLost : 0 %
PresentationTxRoundTrip : 0 ms
VideoHighProfile : false
VideoRxBitrate : 0 bps
VideoRxCodecType : NONE
VideoRxCumulativePercentLost : 0 %
VideoRxFrameHeight : 0
VideoRxFrameWidth : 0
VideoRxFramesPerSecond : 0 fps
VideoRxJitter : 0 ms
VideoRxPackets : 0
VideoRxPercentLost : 0 %
VideoTxBitrate : 0 bps
VideoTxCodecType : NONE
VideoTxCumulativePercentLost : 0 %
VideoTxFrameHeight : 0
VideoTxFrameWidth : 0
VideoTxFramesPerSecond : 0 fps
VideoTxJitter : 0 ms
VideoTxPackets : 0
VideoTxPercentLost : 0 %
VideoTxRoundTrip : 0 ms




3 Replies 3


It might be a reachability problem. Majority of audio silence is related to
connectivity. From Jabber, if you check calls stats during active call at
both sides you will see if there is packet loss.

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I have told the agents to run the active call statistics and copy the results if they ever had any issues and most of the results that came back have little to no packet loss under the audio.


I myself haven't had any static or sound issues from when i tested pre-deployment but i understand the live deployment can be way off from the tests!


If it is a reachability issue, then would getting expressway be beneficial for us?

There is no guaranteed answer as its subject to the providers. However,
expressway with STUN turned ON will definitely improve the quality as it
will allow direct point-to-point between jabber clients over internet
without the need to bridge at your expressway.

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