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Monica Lluis
Level 9
Level 9

Prepare for Launch


Q: When will Cisco Community go live? 
A: We are excited to announce that the new Cisco Community will go live on July 24.


Q: Will I be able to access and use Cisco Communities and Cisco Support Community until July 24th?

A: No, here are some key dates when our sites will be under construction, therefore access will be limited. See below for more details:




Which community?

What to expect

July 18-23

Cisco Communities

Private communities

Login will be disabled and private communities will be inaccessible

July 18-23

Cisco Communities

Public communities

Login will be disabled and public communities will be in read-only mode. You will not be able to create new content (discussions, replies, etc.)

July 18-20

Cisco Support Community

Public communities

Login will be disabled and public communities will be in read-only mode. You will not be able to create new content (discussions, replies, etc.)

July 18-20

Cisco Support Community

Private  communities

Login will be disabled and private communities will be inaccessible

July 20-23

Cisco Support Community


CSC will be in maintenance mode during this period, site will be inaccessible


Q: As a user, what do I need to do before go-live?
A: Our users are not expected to do anything before go-live on July 24. Just log in as normal using our new url: But don’t worry if you forget, you will be automatically redirected from Cisco Communities and Cisco Support Community to the new destination.


Q: There are a few boards that I can't seen and others show "0" content. What is happening?

A: As of 7/17/18, we started the content move within the community. As a result, there are some consolidation of boards into a new boards. The new boards are hidden and this is why you don't see it. 

For example: In the Collaboration Voice and Video Community, 

The TelePresence and Video Over IP board will be a new single board called “TelePresence and Video Infrastructure". Also, the Hosted Collaboration Solutions, Prime Collaboration Management, UC Migrations, and Unified Communications Applications will become “Unified Communications Infrastructure


Q: How long will I be able to ask questions on Cisco Community and Cisco Support Community?

A: You’ll be able to ask and answer questions until Tuesday, July 17.


Q: Is the terminology for content types different on the new Cisco Community?

A: Yes, for our Cisco Communities user the terminology has changed. We’ve listed out below content types that are different to what you may be used to. However, for our current users on Cisco Support Community there are no changes, you should already be familiar with our terminology


Cisco Communities to Cisco Community Terminology

Cisco Communities

Cisco Community


Discussions in discussion boards


Articles in document boards


Blog articles in blog boards


Events in events boards


Videos in video boards

Parent Space





Not migrating


Not migrating


Q: Will I get the opportunity to provide feedback after go-live? 
A: Yes, for the first few weeks after we go live our users will have the chance to provide their first look feedback on the new Cisco Community. Our banner on Cisco Community will have the details on how to do this.


Q: Will I get training on how to use Cisco Community?
A: Yes, when you visit Cisco Community, you will find a community help button – you can click this to take a tour or type your question and our guide will walk you through the process.

General Information about the new Community

Q: What is changing?
A: We are consolidating two of Cisco’s largest communities, the Cisco Support Community and Cisco Communities, to form one Cisco Community to serve customers, partners, developers and the general public.


Q: Why is Cisco merging the two communities?
A: We want to streamline your community experience. There is already a 30% overlap in members across the two communities. The consolidation will also improve findability of trusted information and crowdsourced answers from peers and Cisco experts. It will also make it easier for Cisco experts to engage and get feedback.

Q: Are both communities changing platforms?
A: No. The Cisco Support Community will stay in the same current platform. Cisco Communities will merge onto Cisco Support Community’s platform which is a well-known provider for best-in-class community platforms.


Q: When is the new consolidated community launching?
A: We are aiming for July 24, 2018.

Q: What is the name of the new community?
A: Cisco Community


Q: What will the url of the new community be?
A:; all users who access the old communities will be redirected to the new community.

Q: Will I still have access to both communities during this transition?
A: Yes, however from July 18 we will have a content freeze. See below for more details:



Which community?

What to expect

July 18-23

Cisco Communities

Private communities

Login will be disabled and private communities will be inaccessible

July 18-23

Cisco Communities

Public communities

Login will be disabled and public communities will be in read-only mode. You will not be able to create new content (discussions, replies, etc.)

July 18-20

Cisco Support Community

Public communities

Login will be disabled and public communities will be in read-only mode. You will not be able to create new content (discussions, replies, etc.)

July 18-20

Cisco Support Community

Private  communities

Login will be disabled and private communities will be inaccessible

July 20-23

Cisco Support Community


CSC will be in maintenance mode during this period, site will be inaccessible


Q: When can we see what the new consolidated community will look like?
A: General access to the new consolidated community is scheduled for July 24, 2018. However, you can visit Cisco Support Community should you wish to familiarize yourself with the platform. Please note that the new consolidated community will have a fresh new look and user experience.


Q: Do I need to do anything to get access to the new community in July?
A: No, the new consolidated community will be available to everyone.


Q: What type of content is supported in the new platform?
A: The new community supports discussions, blogs, documents, and videos. Files are supported as attachments to another content type. We also have events that are hosted by Cisco and they have their own Events content type.


The Transition

Cisco Communities

Q: What’s changing for Cisco Communities?
A: Cisco Communities is migrating to a new platform in July 2018. The new platform supports all the content types you’re used to: discussions, documents, blogs, ideas, events and videos. There are some organizational differences and we’re working hard to provide an easy, intuitive experience to ease the transition. We’ll also be providing “how-to” guides to help you along. You’ll enjoy some added features, e.g., being able to subscribe content labels, as well as threads and forums.


Q: Will the Customer Connection Program, Partner and DevNet communities be included in the new community?
A: Yes. The Customer Connection program, Partner and DevNet community pillars will all be migrated to the new community. Customer Connection program activities will continue uninterrupted.


Q: How long can we continue to create content in Cisco Communities?
A: Content can be posted until July 17. At that time, the community will be put in read-only mode until the data migration is complete and the consolidated community is live. Creation of new social groups and personal content is now frozen.

Q: When will we no longer be able to access Cisco Communities?
A: In late-July, when we complete the migration to the new platform. All Cisco Communities URLs will be automatically redirected to the new platform.


Q: Will personal content in Cisco Communities be migrated?
A: No, the new platform does not support content outside of a community forum. If you have personal content posted in Cisco Communities, this content must be moved to a community forum to be migrated. If you have questions about how to move content email


Q: Will Cisco Communities bookmarks be migrated?
A: Yes


Q: Will the new community offer redirect capabilities?
A: Yes. Upon general availability, links to migrated content will be automatically redirected to the new community.


Cisco Support Community

Q: What’s changing for Cisco Support Community?
A: Cisco Support Community (CSC), which will stay in its current platform, will see a change in the look and feel of the platform. The technology forums will be streamlined and the Partner, DevNet and Customer Connection Program communities, currently on Cisco Communities, will be added, giving you access to more experts and resources. CSC users will enjoy some added features, e.g. the use of labels on all content types.


Q: Will we be notified when Cisco Support Community has migrated?
A: Cisco Support Community is not migrating to a different platform. Cisco Communities will be merged onto the same platform instance that the Cisco Support Community is currently on, creating one consolidated community.



Help and Support

Q: Who do I contact if I have a question regarding this migration?
A: If you have questions about this process, please contact the External Cisco Community team at


Getting Started

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