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Vijay Balyan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


  •      Using pip:

     pip install ucsmsdk


  •      Using Github:

     Install pip (skip if pip is already available):

     git clone
     cd ucsmsdk
     make install



     pip uninstall ucsmsdk





    GitHub - CiscoUcs/ucsmsdk_samples


Features 0.9.8 (2019-01-22)

  • Support for UCSM release 4.0(2a)


Features 0.9.6 (2018-12-11)

  • Support for UCSM release 4.0(1b)


Features 0.9.5 (2018-10-10)

  • Updated requirements to include setuptools


Features 0.9.4 (2018-08-13)

  • Fixes for Python 3 compatibility


Features (2018-04-25)

  • Support for UCSM release 3.2(3a)
  • Support for accepting array arguments in query_classids, query_dns
  • Support for setting response timeout for the UCSM operations (query/config)
  • Handling auto_refresh flag in unfreeze
  • Fixing issue with None value check of property by removing None check from validation of property/check_prop_match
  • Fixing issue where error happens with commit when threading is enabled and commit buffer is empty
  • Fixing issue where ssl with "Only TLS 1.2" does not work




Features (2017-01-25)

  • Removed jsonpickle dependency


Features v0.9.3.0:

  • Support for estimating impact of a transaction - handle.estimate_impact
  • Support for TLS 1.1, 1.2 Newer UCSM releases support TLS1.2. HTTPS connection to the servers with newer releases might fail in absence of TLS1.1/1.2 support.
  • Added command line script to make running convert_to_ucs_python easier. bin/ in the github repo.
  • Special characters like <,>,& in XML values are deemed invalid and cause failure in parsing XML. Added a recovery logic if these exist in the XML value fields.
  • Support for serialization, deserialization of UcsHandle
  • Support for UCSM inventory via get_inventory API


Features v0.9.2.0:

  • Support for UCSM 3.1(2b)
  • Adds Support for Generating python APIs from a Ucs backup xml -
  • Adds Infra to facilitate and notify users of API deprecation
  • Allows the ucsmsdk/apis layer APIs to pass in None values to indicate that no
    change is requested to those specific params
  • Adds a method to check if the handle.cookie is still valid
  • Fix in eventhandlers, where some events were not getting processed
  • Fix in eventhandlers, where timeout was not getting triggered until new
  • Fix in get_ucs_tech_support, where techsupport for rack server was failing
  • Fix in logout, where a Ctrl+C was causing stale connections on the server
  • Deprecated get_ucs_tech_support in favour of get_tech_support. The newer
    API simplifies the API


Features v0.9.1.1:

  • Support for UCSM 2.2.7
  • Simplified event handlers to a single wait_for_event method. UcsEventHandler internals are hidden from user.
  • Support for showing progress for upload/download operations
  • Support for multi-threading in SDK. An application can run multiple threads that can use SDK methods in parallel.
  • Support for multiple parallel transactions via the tag parameter in add_mo, set_mo, remove_mo, commit_mo
  • Fix for convert_to_ucs_python exception in some scenarios
  • Fix for convert_to_ucs_python not displaying python script for Java6u45
  • Fix for event handlers not trigerring for some events
  • Added more unit and system tests
  • Better Documentation


Features v0.9.1.0:

  • Support for UCSM 3.1.1
  • Support for Python 3.x
  • Support for Comparing and Syncing Objects across Ucs Domains - compare_ucs_mo sync_ucs_mo
  • Support for filter_str in query_children method
  • Support to drill down into Managed Object Meta and Property Meta details - get_meta_info
  • Support to monitor any/all change(s) in a ManagedObject with UcsEventHandler
  • Fix for Unable to make unsecured connection when redirection was enabled on the server
  • Fix for issues with the usage of force parameter in Login method
  • Fix for not filter not generating filter request
  • Fix for TechSupport not getting removed from server even when remove_from_ucs=True
  • Fix for convert_to_ucs_python not redirecting output to a file
  • Fix for convert_to_ucs_python not working correctly when gui_log=True
  • More PEP8 compliance related fixes


Features v0.9.0.0:

  • Python SDK for UCS server management and related automation
  • Supports every Managed Object exposed by Cisco UCSM
  • APIs for CRUD operations simplified for usability
  • convert_to_ucs_python - API to generate Python script based on operations done on the UCSM UI
  • Support for server side filters made simpler
  • Support for eventhandlers
  • Parameter validation on the client-end
  • Runtime memory usage is reduced
  • logging support
  • Nosetests for unit testing
  • Samples directory for more real world use cases
  • Integrating the sphinx framework for documentation
  • PEP8 Compliance






A slide-deck in markdown describing some of the changes:

     stash/ at master · CiscoUcs/stash · GitHub



     We are also on Slack - slack requires registration, but the ucspython team is open invitation to anyone to register here


Quick reference for PythonSDK  commands is available  for download.Please find it attached below as



Note: is not backward compatible with any of the earlier SDKs. It is re-written to be more pythonic and moves away from the earlier JAVA like syntax.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


Thanks for the reply. I tried exporting "export PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY=0" and ran the auto discovery. that was able to do the job.


Level 1
Level 1

Most of the time handle.login() is hanging forever.

I am creating handle as below

handle = UcsHandle("IP/host", "username", "pwd")


Some time i see this first time or while firmware activation. On server reboot boot UcsHandle is not able to establish the connection.

i tried with force=True option too.

Thank you in advance..


Level 1
Level 1

Root cause for this issue.



        if self._is_stale_cookie(elem):

            elem.attrib['cookie'] = self.cookie


        xml_str = xc.to_xml_str(elem)

        response_str = self.post_xml(xml_str)


self._tx_lock_acquire_conditional(elem) is not released in case of exception at response_str = self.post_xml(xml_str)

And when login attempt is made during server is rebooting we get an exception and this lock will not be released unless we restart the program.

self._tx_lock_release_conditional(elem) needs to be added in except block.

Community Member


I am getting AttributeError , will you help me.

[root@ansible ucsmsdk]# java -version

openjdk version "1.8.0_102"

OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_102-b14)

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.102-b14, mixed mode)

[root@ansible ucsmsdk]# python

Python 2.7.5 (default, Aug  2 2016, 04:20:16)

[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4)] on linux2

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> from ucsmsdk.utils.ucsguilaunch import ucs_gui_launch

>>> from ucsmsdk.ucshandle import UcsHandle

>>> handle = UcsHandle("", "ucspe", "ucspe")

>>> handle.login()


>>> ucs_gui_launch(handle)

2017-05-26 07:24:11,925 - ucs - DEBUG - AuthToken: <17591998066782747766531>

2017-05-26 07:24:11,925 - ucs - DEBUG - UCSM URL: <>

2017-05-26 07:24:11,926 - ucs - DEBUG - javaws path: </bin/javaws>

2017-05-26 07:24:12,006 - ucs - DEBUG - Temp Directory: </tmp>

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

  File "ucsmsdk/utils/", line 119, in ucs_gui_launch

    raise e

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups'


[3]+  Stopped                 python

[root@ansible ucsmsdk]# cat /etc/redhat-release

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo)


While debugging more I have observed that is not able to create a file in tmp named temp.jnlp.

So I download ucsm.jnlp manually at /tmp and renamed it as temp.jnlp. But when I execute ucs_gui_launch again, it is deleting manually created file temp.jnlp.

Commenting below line in is not helping as well.

79   if os.path.exists(jnlp_file):

80                    os.remove(jnlp_file)

So it looks like it is not able to recreate temp.jnlp again. Am I missing anything.


Level 1
Level 1

i have an issue. i have a multi-threaded program for python it collects multiple component info not just cisco on multiple threads.. so i kick off some code (a thread for cisco stuff) to get ucsm logs and chassis logs from a ucs system...  so each get_tech_support call for logs (ucsm and chassis logs) are each their own thread as well, even for multiple chassis each chassis would be on a thread, getting all logs at the same time. i do delay starting of the threads each by 20 secs just in case.. so i have several labs that this works perfect on but those labs only have 2 chassis in them nothing more.

now when i run this on a customer's system that has like say 8 chassis! there seems to be issues, the exception msg that comes back is "TechSupport creation timed out" ... now it has happened on 2 different customer sites where they had 8 chassis. it would always get (from what i could tell) ucsm logs and chassis 1 logs, but would fail on either getting chassis 2 through 8 or 3 through 8.

again it's multi-threaded so i'm getting the ucsm logs and all the chassis logs at the same time from the same UCS system. i NEVER have issues on a 2 chassis only ucs system.

if this is known issue or limitation??  i can provide my code if needed



turns out the limitation is within ucs, you can't even get multiple chassis at the same time via the ucsm gui .

Level 1
Level 1
Is the SDK going to be updated with any kind of HTML GUI launch and python conversion function?
halperin amit
Level 1
Level 1

Hello, i want to create on my cisco servers raid 1 with automation, i tried to do that with redfish api but It doesn't allow me to do that.

What can i do? what tool i can use to do it(create physical raid with the raid controller), i think the "cisco ucs python sdk" can't help me...

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