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Level 1
Level 1

By Paul Cable
All the hard work was done by Martijn Smit <> in his Cisco UCS Inventory Script.

First Usage: .\UCS-Call-Home-Check.ps1 -GeneratePassword -This creates an xml file with the credentials, must be run while logged in as the user you want to use the script (e.g. task scheduler user) and must use UCS login scheme ucs-DOMAIN\username

Normal Usage: .\UCS-Call-Home-Check.ps1

Simple script that cycles through as many UCS Managers as you define in a CSV file and checks the status of Call Home. If Call Home is enabled on every domain then nothing happens, but if any are disabled it will send an email report.

I have this setup as a scheduled task that runs every morning. Sometimes we'll be doing work and disable call home and forget to turn it back on and this is a good reminder.

Level 1
Level 1

A "Call Home" feature is typically used in networking devices to allow them to automatically send diagnostic information or alerts to a centralized server or support system. However, Cisco UCS (Unified Computing System) specifically uses a feature called "Call Home" for proactive monitoring and issue resolution.

While I can't provide you with a specific script tailored for your environment, I can guide you on how you might create one. The specifics of such a script would depend on your environment, the programming language you prefer, and the APIs provided by Cisco for managing UCS.

Here's a general outline of what a script for UCS Call Home check might entail:

1. **Environment Setup**: Set up your scripting environment. Choose a scripting language like Python or PowerShell, and ensure you have the necessary libraries or modules installed to interact with the UCS API.

2. **Authentication**: Your script will need to authenticate with the UCS Manager or UCS Central in order to access the Call Home configurations and status. This typically involves providing credentials (username and password) or using token-based authentication.

3. **Retrieve Call Home Settings**: Use the UCS API to retrieve the current Call Home settings and configurations. This might include things like destination email addresses, alert severity levels, and enabled/disabled status.

4. **Check Connectivity**: Ensure that the UCS system can connect to the configured destination for Call Home notifications. This might involve checking network connectivity to the SMTP server or HTTP/HTTPS endpoint used for sending alerts.

5. **Check Recent Alerts**: Retrieve recent alerts or events from the UCS system. You can use the API to query for recent alerts and filter them based on severity or specific criteria.

6. **Generate Report**: Based on the retrieved information, generate a report summarizing the current Call Home settings, connectivity status, and any recent alerts or issues.

7. **Alerting**: Depending on your requirements, you might want to implement alerting within the script itself. For example, if connectivity to the Call Home destination fails, or if there are critical alerts, you could send an email or trigger another type of notification.

8. **Logging**: Implement logging within your script to capture any errors, warnings, or informational messages that occur during its execution. This can be helpful for troubleshooting and auditing purposes.

Remember to test your script thoroughly in a non-production environment before deploying it in your production environment. Additionally, always adhere to best practices for security, such as securely storing credentials and limiting access to sensitive information within the script.


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