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Smart licensing - DEFAULT virtual account and satellite

Level 1
Level 1



we have an account for the smart licensing. When I connect to the smart licensing portal through my account on the website I'm able to see that I have a DEFAULT virtual account where all our licenses are stored. I'm also able to create other virtual accounts and dispatch the licenses in them.


I setup a satellite server on-prem and I was able to synchronize it with our account. However I have the feeling that the virtual account created on through the portal and the virtual account created through the satellite are not the same. For example, DEFAULT virtual account and virtual account X are on the portal but on the satellete virtual account X is my default.


Well let's say it is not a big deal. What I really want to ask is about the DEFAULT virtual account. Is it possible to have the DEFAULT virtual account of the portal on the satellite ? When I try to create on the satellite it says that it already exists in my account (even if not shown on the satellite) and if I try to register on that account I'm not able to see it on the satellite.


The DEFAULT virtual account on the portal stores all licenses when they are just purchased. I would like to have access to that DEFAULT virtual account to avoid to have to log on the portal, move license to the other virtual accounts and then log on the satellite to manage them. I would like to have access to all the licenses (even the just purchased and stored in DEFAULT)


Any idea ?





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