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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The OpenStack team at Cisco under the leadership of Cisco's VP and CTO of Cloud Computing, Lew Tucker, was one of the first contributors to the OpenStack project when it all started in 2010. The effort that began with a handful of engineers contributing to one of the OpenStack projects - Networking - has now spread across numerous groups throughout Cisco, each involved with different projects and services.

As the ecosystem of Cisco infrastructure and application integration with OpenStack continues to grow, OpenStack developers and operators working with Cisco solutions and application developers integrating with Cisco Cloud based on OpenStack, look for resources that can help them get started quickly. To enable developers to find out about Cisco’s solution integrations with OpenStack and learn about contributions and projects that OpenStack team members within Cisco are leading in the community, we are launching a developer focused Cisco DevNet micro-site for OpenStack.


The micro-site not only provides an overview of the various OpenStack efforts that Cisco is involved in but also pointers to upstream repositories that have plugins and drivers for enabling integration of OpenStack services with Cisco infrastructure. Additionally, it contains information about new OpenStack related projects that have been incubated by OpenStack contributors at Cisco. Several resources including videos, podcasts, learning labs, sandbox environments and technical briefs are also provided on the micro-site to help you learn more about these integrations and contributions.

We look forward to your participation in the Cisco developer community for OpenStack. And, as we get closer to the upcoming OpenStack Summit in Vancouver (May 18-22, 2015), and Cisco Live! in San Diego (June 7-11, 2015), we will continue to share content that you may be interested in. You can also follow our OpenStack blog space to learn about updates to the micro-site.

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