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Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Giorgio Zanoni on 29-03-2012 05:08:55 AM

I need help to map fields name in a CSV dump.

I dumped CDRs compact format into a CSV, in the Cisco documents I found that compact format use the first 23 fileds (from 0 to 22) but in my dumps each record in CSV file is 36 fileds (from 0 to 35).

See table 4 in this document

I use a Call Manager Express.

Attached an example of what I dumped with mapping of first 23 fileds (Mapping.rtf) and the CSV dump file (CDR.txt), can anyone help me to understand the other 12 fileds?

Thank in advance.

Subject: RE: Mapping field CME: CDRs dump into CSV
Replied by: Giorgio Zanoni on 29-03-2012 08:44:58 AM

I need help to map fields name in a CSV dump.

I dumped CDRs compact format into a CSV, in the Cisco documents I found that compact format use the first 23 fileds (from 0 to 22) but in my dumps each record in CSV file is 36 fileds (from 0 to 35).

See table 4 in this document

I use a Call Manager Express.

Attached an example of what I dumped with mapping of first 23 fileds (Mapping.rtf) and the CSV dump file (CDR.txt), can anyone help me to understand the other 12 fileds?

Thank in advance.

Maybe I understand.
It could possible that CSV dump is first 23 fields (0 to 22) plus last 12 fileds (112 to 123) that are called Feature-id_field??


I have the same question.. do you solve this?

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