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"Updating" a device

Level 4
Level 4

Today I discovered that most of our ~5600 devices in our PI 3.1.3 installation somehow do not have a Credentials Profile applied, yet they are being managed. I wondered if it's possible to apply a Credentials Profile to a device which is already in Inventory? Similarly, is it possible to change the IP address of a device in Inventory? I couldn't find anything in the API documentation to change these properties, but I thought I would ask for a more definitive answer.


1 Reply 1

Spencer Zier
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I got good news and bad news.  The good news is that yes, you can use the PUT v1/op/devices/bulkImport service to update the credentials for a device.  That includes switching it to use a credential profile; just specify the device IP, the credential profile, and no other credentials (you can specify UDFs, however).  The device will then use that credential profile for all further interaction.

The bad news is that we don't support changing a device's management IP via the API.  The service above uses the IP to identify the device to update, and if a new IP is given, it will proceed to add a new device to the inventory.